Client Reviews for Central Station Marketing
- Reviewed By: Mike Davis
- Location: Idaho Falls, ID
- What is your domain name? all american cleaning and restoration
How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your new website?
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How is your experience working with Central Station Marketing?
How would you rate our knowledge of online marketing?
How likely are you to recommend Central Station Marketing to others?
- Comment: Evan,The only reason i did not give you all 5s,is for what you do not have any control over,namely the information,awards certificates,photographs,that I need to give to you so you can better market me and my firm,in my behalf,you guys have done a great job with very little support from me,I really appreciate you get it done mentality,I feel our site is far better than it was and is only going to get BETTER. Thanks for all you do Mike Davis
Overall Rating
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